L. Labate, T. Levato, M. Galimberti, A. Giulietti, D. Giulietti, M. Sanna, C. Traino, M. Lazzeri, L.A. Gizzi

A single-photon CCD-based setup for in situ measurement of the X-ray spectrum of mammographic units

Nucl. Instrum. Meth. Phys. Res. A 594, 278-282 (2008)

A technique enabling in situ measurements of the spectrum of X-ray tubes employed in mammographic screenings is described. The technique involves the use of a commercially available CCD camera and a set of metal foils and is particularly useful to perform a fast evaluation of the spectral properties of a Mo anode mammographic system operating at standard flux levels. A description of the detector calibration procedure is first given, followed by a discussion of the study and choice of an appropriate set of X-ray attenuation foils. Finally, the use of the system for a spectroscopic characterization of a mammographic system is reported.